Matthew Spositi is an aspiring trader, Austrian Economic enthusiast, entrepreneur, and founder of New Millennium Wealth. My goal is to help individuals get out of the rat race and become financially free, by showing you every step of my journey, and by sharing all of the knowledge I have accumulated about trading, investing, markets, and economics over the past 5 years.
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Ep. 31: You Only Live Once, So Everything You Do Matters
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
When I hear the term “you only live once” it’s typically used as a means to justify choices from poor financial decisions to personal experiences.
What if instead of using YOLO as an excuse for a financially irresponsible purchase, you chose to save the money, pay off debt, and set yourself up to be financially secure.
If you only live once, then shouldn’t everything you do be wise decisions that set your life up to be better and more financially secure? If so, then you can live your life how you want, and not risk financial harm indulging in experiences, having the dream car, or not worrying about the credit card bill every month.
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Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Ep. 30: To Be Successful You Need The Right Mentors
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
In order to be successful, you need to find the right mentors. The right mentor will not sell you a lifestyle, but will offer to teach you a skill that will provide you the ability and freedom to create your own wealth. They will be transparent and tell you the truth about what it takes to be successful, and the work that goes into it.
Also, a mentor can provide valuable perspectives, experiences and strategies which may have taken years to acquire, that effectively allows you to get ahead and potentially save time.
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Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Ep. 29: Income Inequality Explained (Plain & Simple)
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Income inequality is a topic that has been talked about a lot in past, and will continue to be talked about a lot in the future as the gap grows. But here’s the thing, very few people really understand what causes it.
The truth that nobody wants to admit or talk about, is that income inequality is caused largely by how you think about money, because how you view money determines how you treat it.
If you have a poverty mentality, then you will not save or invest your money, and you will effectively spend every dime you make.
You won’t know how to attract money, you won’t know to recognize the opportunities that are all around you, and you will blame the fact that you don’t have or make a lot of money on external factors, instead of taking responsibility for how your life has turned out.
Whereas, if you have a wealth mentality, you will believe that opportunity is all around you, and you will always be looking for it. You will manage your money well by spending less than you make, saving and investing the rest.
You will know how to attract money to you, and you will recognize that you have control over your own life, and that the outcome/destiny of your life is determined by you, and you alone.
But here’s the thing, the fact that a person is rich (i.e. has a lot of money) doesn’t make them wealthy, and conversely, the fact that a person is broke (i.e. has very little, to no money) doesn’t make them poor.
You see being poor or being wealthy, has nothing to do with how much money you have or don’t have, but has everything to do with how you think about and handle your money.
This is the real cause of income inequality. It is what determines who ends up being rich (i.e. having lots of money) and who ends up being broke (i.e. having very little, to no money).
We talk about all of this and more in today’s episode.
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Monday Jul 06, 2020
Ep. 28: What They Don’t Want You To Know About The Recession
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
It may come as a surprise to you that the recession isn’t over yet.
The Federal unemployment check of $600 a week is going away at the end of July, and there are many debt extension programs that are going to end as well, as the year goes on.
If these programs go away and are not extended, which very well could happen, it will drive the economy even further into a deeper recession, possibly a depression, than what everyone thought would happen.
That being said, no matter what happens there will be those that thrive in spite of the recession/depression.
There will be those that made the CHOICE to not be dependents on a company or the government.
There will be those that made the CHOICE to take control over the source of their income and become financially free.
Will you be one of them?
Or will you CHOOSE to suffer like everyone else?
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Monday Jul 06, 2020
Ep. 27: Yes, Defund The Police!
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
It may come as a surprise to you, but the police are not answerable to the people that they “serve”. They are in fact, only answerable to the politicians/government that pays them their checks.
Now, you might be saying to yourself “but wait, their checks come from our tax payer dollars” and you’d be right. However, even though it’s our tax payer dollars that pay them, we are not the one distributing that money to them.
If that wasn’t bad enough, we also don’t have the option to withhold our money from them and not pay them, unless of course you want to go to jail for tax avoidance.
Look, the only way to make the police 100% answerable to us, is to completely restructure the whole policing system.
We dive deep into this topic and more on today’s episode. Enjoy!
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Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Ep. 26: An Update On My Journey To Financial Freedom
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
In today's episode, I give you guys an update on my personal journey to financial freedom, and I show you some insights on the realities of being an internet entrepreneur. Hope you enjoy!
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Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Ep. 25: No, Not All Businesses Are Insured Against Riots
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Apparently, I was a gluten for punishment the other day, and read on Facebook that many out there believe that it’s ok for the rioters to destroy businesses and private property because they have insurance to cover it.
This is an ignorant child’s perspective and no, not every business has insurance, not every insurance company covers riots, and even if their insurance plan covers the destruction, it will more than likely raise their premiums.
Riots are wrong, hands down, there is no justification for them.
They destroy people’s lives of all backgrounds and ethnicities.
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Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Ep. 24: You Only Fail When You Choose To Give Up
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
A lot of people talk about failure as if it’s out of their control, and I hate this because you only fail when you choose to give up.
Failure is a choice!
So if you don’t want to fail, then don’t give up.
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Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Ep. 23: All Value Is Subjective, Nothing Has Intrinsic Value
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
In today’s episode we are going to be talking about the Theory of Subjective Values. Simply because something exists, doesn’t mean it has value. The value of the item is determined purely by what people are willing to pay for it.
But that isn’t all this theory can be applied to. The Theory of Subjective Values can also be applied to other things, like religion, politics, family traditions, holidays, life views, etc.…. It simply isn’t limited to items that we buy.
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Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Ep. 22: You Can Choose To Not Take Part In A Recession
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Recessions affect everyone. Nope. Wrong. Listen to find out how you can choose to not take part in a recession. This may seem like an arrogant thing to say, but it is possible.
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