Matthew Spositi is an aspiring trader, Austrian Economic enthusiast, entrepreneur, and founder of New Millennium Wealth. My goal is to help individuals get out of the rat race and become financially free, by showing you every step of my journey, and by sharing all of the knowledge I have accumulated about trading, investing, markets, and economics over the past 5 years.
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Ep. 51: The #1 Character Trait You Need To Be Successful
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
What is the #1 character trait that you need to become successful?
What is that one personality trait that allows some people to live a life others could only dream of?
Is it hard work?
Is it Intelligence?
Listen to find out more.
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Friday Oct 02, 2020
Ep. 50: Big Governments Love Big Corporations
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Many people today hate big corporations.
They believe that corporations are corrupt, have control over the economy and politics, and some even go as far as to say they can enslave you.
How did big corporations even obtain this kind of power?
The relationship that exists between big governments and big corporations creates this power through lobbying and mutual support of one another at the expense of everyone else.
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Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Ep. 49: Should You Buy Silver?
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Have you ever asked the question of why anyone would ever want to buy silver/precious metals?
Is it because they think silver is a good investment?
Is it because they think silver is a hedge against a market crash?
Is it because they think silver is a hedge against inflation/monetary devaluation?
In today’s episode we dive deep into this topic and talk about the reasons why anybody would want to buy silver and/or precious metals.
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Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Ep. 48: America’s Abuse Of Money
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
In America today, we as a society don’t treat money with respect anymore. We abuse it over and over again, not really understanding the true purpose of money, and how to manage it.
Our country’s economy is standing on the edge of a knife, and the consequences for abusing money is about to hit the fan.
But we do have a choice.
We can either start treating money with respect and start managing it accordingly, or we can continue abusing it and ultimately end up being a slave to someone else for the rest of our lives.
It’s time we start making better choices and start treating money with respect, so that we can live truly free and independent lives.
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Friday Sep 18, 2020
Ep. 47: Having The Right Trading Mindset
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Having the right trading mindset is extremely important in being successful and becoming a consistently profitable trader.
Without the right trading mindset, traders fall into many traps like revenge trading, moving stop losses/targets, and not following their trading plan.
In order to be successful, traders need to have the right mindset to avoid these traps.
Traders need to understand that trading is not a “get rich quick” scheme. It is not a matter of if you will lose money, but a matter of when, and it will take a long time to master the art and skill of trading.
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Friday Sep 18, 2020
Ep. 46: Setting A Precedence For The Future Of America
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
How are people going to view America after the virus crisis is over? Are they going to say the government was over powered and stripped us of our freedoms? Or will they look at the government as heroes who saved us and it was worth the loss of freedom?
Will this set a precedence for future crises? Is this what Americans want of their government?
This aftermath of the virus could prove a very dangerous situation of power in our governments, both at a national and local level.
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Friday Sep 18, 2020
Ep. 45: Treat Your Finances Like A Business
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
When I talk about financial freedom on my show, it’s important to know what that means.
Financial freedom is taking control of the source of your income, but its so much more than that.
Financial freedom is also about becoming debt free, and controlling your finances so that your finances don’t control you.
This may sound confusing initially, but when you sit down and think about it, it starts to make sense. Financial freedom is about being free and independent, but you can’t be free if you keep spending every dime that you make.
This will eventually cause you to go into debt, which is voluntary slavery, as I’m sure you’ve heard, the debtor is always slave to the lender. So, we must control our finances in order to not become slaves to anybody else.
Another way of thinking about this, would be that, if you spend every dime you make, you are in effect no longer working for yourself, you are working for the businesses that you spend your money with. Therefore, can you really say that you are truly free?
We talk about all this and more in today’s episode, cheers!
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Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Ep. 44: It Doesn’t Matter Who You Vote For
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
It doesn’t matter who you vote for. Why? Because in the end the very nature of public governments (i.e. republics, democracies) incentivizes the growth of the power and scope of the government. So regardless of which candidate wins the election, the outcome will be the same overall.
Also, as more economic red flags are popping up, bankruptcies are increasing at a rate that is set to surpass the 2008 financial crisis, and the government is engaging in debt financing and running deficits, which is growing much larger in 2020 due to the financial crisis.
Listen to find out more and why you should secede from voting this year.
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Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Ep. 43: The Truth About Passive Income
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Have you ever wondered if its really possible to achieve passive income?
Have you ever thought of passive income as being a lofty idea that just seems so unattainable?
Well, there’s a reason for that.
Listen in, if you want to find out what that reason is.
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Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Ep. 42: The Dollar Is Collapsing...Or Is It?
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
There’s a lot of buzz out there on social media, talking about whether or not the dollar is collapsing. You see, a couple of days ago the dollar index (DXY) fell by 10%, which is a fairly large decline.
As a result of this, many dollar bears have come out of the wood work claiming that the end of the dollar is upon us, and we should buy precious metals and/or cryptocurrencies to preserve the value of our money.
But what no one is asking, is whether the decline in the dollar anything to worry about.
Is the dollar really going to lose its reserve currency status?
Is the dollar really going to die?
Listen to find out.
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