Matthew Spositi is an aspiring trader, Austrian Economic enthusiast, entrepreneur, and founder of New Millennium Wealth. My goal is to help individuals get out of the rat race and become financially free, by showing you every step of my journey, and by sharing all of the knowledge I have accumulated about trading, investing, markets, and economics over the past 5 years.
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Ep. 71: The 2021 Real Estate Crash
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
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If you thought 2020 was bad, just wait till 2021.
Now that the so called “much needed” vaccine is out and making its way around the country, hopefully sentiment will start to recover so that we can start focusing on the real problems, namely the economy.
However, there’s a ton of really bad economic risks that are on the horizon as a result of everything that happened in 2020, including the effects on the real estate market. Will 2021 be the next 2008 housing crash?
Listen to find out more.
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Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Ep. 70: It’s Time To Rise Up And Decent
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
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Lockdowns, vaccines, regulations, censorship. Are you tired of these things controlling your life? Where you can go, and how? What you can say? Where you can say it?
If so, its time to rise up. I don’t mean protests and violence. We need to become a viable voice in the conversation. We can’t just capitulate. Our freedoms should be recognized and respected, not restricted by “wanna-be dictators.”
It is time to rise up and decent.
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Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Ep. 69: There’s No Such Thing As A Trade Deficit
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
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In the news its not uncommon to hear politicians talk about trade deficits and how we need to punish other countries by protecting and supporting the businesses in our own nation. What is often forgotten in this conversation is the acting individual, and that it is not countries and their governments that are trading with each other, but it is individuals, via corporations, that are choosing to engage in mutually beneficial trade.
It is important to keep in mind that when politicians and talking heads in the media talk about these problems, that they are using very specific terminologies to get you to not think of the problem on an individualistic/humanistic level.
Its not a trade deficit between countries, its merely the ups and downs of good old-fashioned trade between individuals in different countries.
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Monday Dec 07, 2020
Ep. 68: The Great Reset Is Nothing New
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
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Let’s face it, the idea that there would be a bunch of elites out there wanting to effectively take over the world is really nothing new.
To be fair, the idea that the ruling elite want their subjects to accept every single thing they do is also nothing new.
Look, we’ve all heard the saying “there’s nothing new under the sun”, which is very true even in the 21st century.
All in all, the “Great Reset” is nothing more than authoritarians trying to control the masses, so they can live their lives by sucking the life and energy out of society.
So, how can we defend against this?
Listen to find out how.
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Monday Dec 07, 2020
Ep. 67: Understanding The Great Reset
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
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The Great Reset is one of those buzz words that you see thrown around on the internet a lot, but rarely is it ever defined.
So, in today’s episode, we’re going to take a deep dive into the Great Reset.
Here’s what we’ll be talking about:
What is the Great Reset?
Who’s behind the Great Reset?
What’s the purpose of the Great Reset?
And so much more.
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Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Ep. 66: Happiness Is A Choice
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
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For starters, I wanted to first and foremost wish you guys a Happy Thanksgiving!
Due to the holiday, this is going to be the only episode that I do this week, but never fear, I will be back next week.
That said, in todays episode I’m keeping it casual by just talking about what I’m thankful for this year, and encouraging you guys to sit down, and think about all the things you’re thankful for as well this year.
With all the negativity running around, I think it’s incredibly important to take time and reflect on all the good things that happened for you and your families. Also, remember that happiness, and thankfulness for that matter, is a choice that we can choose to make or not.
Having said that, have a Happy Thanksgiving, and I’ll see ya’ll next week.
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Monday Nov 23, 2020
Ep. 65: What Determines The Value Of Bitcoin?
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
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Why is Bitcoin valuable?
Is Bitcoin money?
Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin. It’s the buzz word creating a lot of stir in the financial markets and media. In many ways, it is a very foreign concept that many do not understand. Its making headlines with its rising values, and looking like it will make all new highs, and yet it is so expensive the “Average Joe” couldn’t dream of being able to afford a single coin.
It is a very controversial topic with people arguing about whether or not it has value, is it legitimate, and is it money or can it become money?
If you want to know the answers to this and more, listen to find out.
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Monday Nov 23, 2020
Ep. 64: Everyone Is Focusing On The Wrong Thing
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
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If you listen to any form media outlet today, you will only hear about how bad the virus is, the election, and how angry everyone is, but in the end none of this really matters. It is all just a big ploy to keep you distracted from the real issues that are going on in our economy today.
The reality is that there are 27 million people collecting unemployment, our government is engaging is mass money printing, we are facing down the barrel of a failing economy, and yet everyone is focusing on the number of “confirmed” COVID cases and how you shouldn’t travel for Thanksgiving (cue eye roll).
It doesn’t matter who ends up being president. None of the problems that really matter are going to change or be fixed whether a Democrat or Republican is in office.
We should be focusing on turning the economy around, preserving and creating jobs by allowing Americans to function in society, and becoming financially free to insulate ourselves and our families from the catastrophe that has become our economy.
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Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Ep. 63: It Doesn’t Matter If Biden Wins: A Message of Hope
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Yes, Biden may win.
Yes, Biden may try to do things that could get in the way of our freedoms and liberties.
But, life will go on.
As I have said before, elections don’t matter. This doesn’t mean there won’t be good or bad outcomes from an election.
It doesn’t matter if Biden wins, or even Trump. At the end of the day, we will find a way to thrive, be free, and persevere regardless of who is president.
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Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Ep. 62: There Is No Such Thing As The Will Of The People
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
How can one person, or party, really represent what the people want?
They can’t.
When you elect politicians, they have their agenda, not yours. You may agree or disagree with their agenda, but in reality, they are not representing the peoples’ will.
Is it really moral to have an election, where a small percentage of the people vote, to elect individuals to represent the country as a whole?
The reality is, whether you vote or not, the politicians don’t represent you, your family, neighbor, or even their own party affiliates. Democracy only gives permission for politicians to move forward with their agendas.
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